Category: SEO Tips

10 Best SEO Tactics of 2021: Boost your Leads and Conversion

Table of Content; What is SEO? How SEO of a Website Works? Stats and facts 10 Best SEO Tactics you Must Consider in 2021 Create a High-Quality User Experience Focus on Voice Search Optimization Use More Internal Linking Earn High-Quality Backlinks Learn User Search Intent Target Long-Tail Keywords Create Amazing Title-Tags and Meta Descriptions Optimize Page Loading Speed Deploy Featured…

DuckDuckGo SEO Tips 2020: A Complete Guide

When you think about search engines, Google is often the only platform that comes to mind. It is the most popular engine and performs around 63,000 searches per second, which amounts to around 5.6 billion searches per day. Despite its dominance in the industry, several search engines are growing in popularity and DuckDuckGo is one of them. DDG has a…

Guide To Fix Google Page Speed Insight Low Score

Google has declared that it will consider page speed as SEO ranking factor that means you have to have a website that is fast both on the desktop and mobile ecosystem. Now, that is something you cannot ignore therefore, it is important to understand the page sped metric that Google has recently revealed. Understanding the Google Page Speed Insight Score:…

Guide To Fix Google Chrome Lighthouse Issues | Improve Your Web-Page Performance

To run a business smoothly you will require a high-performing website that will load fast. Google is keen on providing its users with the best browsing experience. The use of smartphones has increased a lot in the past years. Thus the website of your business has to be responsive to handheld devices as well. In order to achieve 100% accuracy…

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