Are you looking for E-commerce web development companies? You now don’t need to worry. This blog is going to help you in choosing the perfect e-commerce web development company.
People generally interact in many ways on an e-commerce website. Some people will search for a product, some people will be adding products to the cart and some other will transact money to order their product. As an e-commerce website handles a lot of activity at a time, it needs to be well-developed. Not all the web development company can make a robust e-commerce website. E-commerce web development should have experienced and highly skilled e-commerce web developers to build an e-commerce website.
Well, the real question is how to differentiate between a good and bad web development service. It’s very easy. You just need to know some critical points that tell about the features of a good company.
So, let’s dig into it and know the features of a good e-commerce web development services.
Features of a good e-commerce web development company –
- Unique website designing
Your e-commerce website needs to be unique. It needs to be that unique so that it can attract every visitor. It needs to be something different and developed more beautifully than other e-commerce websites.
To create an exceptionally attractive website, the web developers use CSS (Cascading Style sheet) to enhance the style of the website components. People who want to know about CSS can visit here to know CSS in detail. But, an informal definition of CSS is that it’s a style sheet language that is used to add style (for example, colors, fonts, spacing, etc.) in the web content. The CSS files are embedded with HTML files to create an overall result. Web developers with profound CSS knowledge will make beautiful and attractive web pages.
The second most important thing that makes a website more beautiful is UI. UI (User Interface) plays a crucial role in making a website beautiful. The UI has several components that makes it simple and interactive. These elements are –
- Input Controls –
This component generally controls the input from the user to perform further tasks. The main Input Controls are Checkboxes, Drop-down list, radio buttons, Toggles, Text field and list boxes. Let’s know them one by one.
- Checkboxes – It facilitates user to choose one or more items from the list
- Drop-down list- This list contains a vertical list of items that a user can select by clicking on it
- Radio Buttons – This allows user to select only one option from several other mutually exclusive options
Radio buttons are different from checkboxes. Look at the difference between them –

- Toggles – This button lets user switch between two states (like On or Off)
- Text Field – This element enables users to enter text in the field
- List boxes – This is a special type of box which contains a list of items
Let’s know about the navigational component now.
- Navigational Component
Navigational components help the user in navigation in a website. This component increases the user’s convenience. Some important navigational elements which enhance the UI of a website are –
- Search field – This element let users search for content related to a specific keyword when they type
- Tags – This element shows several tags to users and users can click on a particular tag to see the content related to that tag
- Pagination – This element allow users to know the page number on which they currently are, it also allows the user to navigate to other pages if the user wants to.
- Breadcrumb – This element is like pagination but it tells user about the location of a web page in the content. User can also navigate to other web pages by clicking on the elements of a chain.
See the major difference between pagination and breadcrumb –

- Icons – These elements are images that tell users about the available items on the website
- Sliders – These elements are very useful and it enables a user to select a value from a limited range of options. For example, the price range has a slider that enables the user to choose a value from a price range.
Let’s now head over to Informational components.
- Informational Component – These UI components are used to notify a user about the process or some messages when the user interacts on the website. Some important elements of informational components are notification, progress bar, message boxes.
- Accordion – This UI component contains a stacked list of items on which user can click to look at the content of a particular item. The content gets displayed or hidden when the user clicks on it. These components are like dropdown elements. The major dissimilarity between them is that Accordion lays over the whole existing content of the website but the dropdown list doesn’t.
So, these were the crucial components of a website UI. These components are important and play a significant role in enhancing the website’s user interface.
- Bug-free and optimized website
Your e-commerce website needs to be bug-free and well-working. Throughout the development process, the developers perform various quality tests to check every feature of the website. They only launch the website when they appropriately test all the coding aspects because a buggy website can impact your business.
There are lots of things that are needed to check before hosting a website.
The e-commerce web developers check the web page links, graphic elements like Video, Images loading, etc. The testing process takes a lot of time and requires skilled web testers.
When you visit a website, the time it takes to load completely is commonly known as page loading time. A web page should take minimum time to load. Because if it takes more time to load, it will make a bad impression of your website. The user may not visit your e-commerce website again. So, to ensure good user experience, a web page must load fast.
Now take another scenario into consideration and suppose user uses the filter search option to search all the shoes that are worth more than 10 USD and less than 45 USD, but the search result is not showing the shoes that are supposed to be. This can happen if the website has a bug. In this case, the user will get frustrated and will decide to leave your website.
No business owner will ever want to see that happening. So, you should hire an experienced magento ecommerce development company for your e-commerce website. Magento e-commerce also facilitates easy third party integration. It will help a business owner in many ways. Third-party Analytics tools would help business owners understand the buyer’s behavior and many more important insights. A Business owner will then be able to take decisions after analyzing the reports. It will help the business grow.
- Secure online payment
The e-commerce website handles thousands of transactions per day. Customers use their credit/debit card credentials on the website to pay for the product they order. When a buyer does an online payment, digital communication needs to be well secured so that the credentials don’t get stolen in mid-way. The communication during the transaction is needed to be secured with SSL protocol. SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is cryptographic protocols that offer security while online transaction.
When the payment gateway is SSL-secured, customer trust on your e-commerce website. They feel secure while online payment.
- On-time service
What makes one company different from the other is their services. If the company is unable to deliver the project on time, then it’s not reliable. For your e-commerce website development, you should hire only the best web development company who assures you that your website will be hosted on time. No businessmen can bear the loss if the website doesn’t get hosted on time.
So, these were some important points that you should consider while hiring a web development company. You can search for e-commerce web development services on google. Check their portfolio to get an idea of their services and experience.
If you want to scale your business and sell your products to a large number of people, you can choose to do e-commerce. In this modern world, e-commerce holds a lot of potential. Owning an e-commerce website will not only help you in taking your business online, but it will also reduce the operational cost of your business. You will be able to promote your product with the help of digital marketing.
The e-commerce web development can also be done on magento platform. Magento e-commerce has some advance features that makes an e-commerce website different from others. You can hire the magento ecommerce development company if you want a Magento e-commerce website for your business. Hope you liked this blog and you will choose the best company for an e-commerce website.
We have over 11 years of experience in digital marketing, app development, e-commerce website designing and development. We have served 1000+ clients from 80+ countries during this period. Please contact us to get your e-commerce website developed.